NTU talk....aka Smear Campaign FTW.
Went for the NTU talk on Business, since I am eyeing a degree in Accounting, at Hotel Intercontinental today.
While the talk was quite informative, as in, what courses they offer, minors/double degrees, it was also hella funny.
The presentator must have at least worked on a political campaign before, because this talk doubled up as to why NTU > all. For instance, NTU is like, the only Asia school to have been awarded the IDKSGY and (insert some other random letters here). Also, because they have the JILJY, the job prospects of a NTU student is much higher, compared to a NUS student, as NUS is still applying for that JUILAD. Also, in some super duper magazine ranking, NTU business school is number 3, NUS number 14, and SMU was lost in the sandstorm.
Of course, the room of roughly 900 people muttered and made noise when those facts were mentioned. Other than that, nothing much. Pretty good talk by NTU to persuade their future students.
And also, while we were there, Lin Pin suddenly appeared in front of us, sitting right in front of us (The consequences of not joining us, Chaos...=P I told you to join us, but nooo~~). I must admit that short hair isn't my style, but I doubt Energy boy would mind.
Long hair FTW.
Not sure when she's going back, as she isn't saying anything.
Oh well.
As for HOTD IV, I finally found S2SR2. Man, stupid graphics. Got the closest to rank S today with 66% accuracy (Just 4. More. Percent..). But I still fail in stage 3.
Need to train more, I guess.
The national Library was my next stop, and I must admit that Singapore did do a much much better job than Hong Kong. The HK national Library has only the looks, but it lacks the cigar. One huge hole in the center for a 10 story building (Think Tampines Mall/WhiteSands)? A total Wastage of Space. The Singapore's national library had plenty of space for reference and research. I was browsing through some maths books for a bit of headache inducing treatment (If we can prove that F(E) = F(E>1), then we can also prove...).
But over all, I'm rather impressed, even though the fiction areas isn't as well stocked as I would have liked.
But hey, those are for community libraries.
Song of (Whatever) switched to Oogantai Saigo no Tatakai by Sahashi Toshihiko, from the Gundam Seed Destiny Original Soundtrack IV. A good soundtrack, although it's missing the extra "something" that was present in the other 2 soundtracks which I've obtained. This is my favourite track in the entire Soundtrack, probably the only one which I can call "really good".
I've also obtained More Friends music from FINAL FANTASY ~Final Fantasy Orchestra Concert in Los Angeles 2005~ Soundtrack. I must admit that it is considered poor when placed against the other concert album that I have (Final Fantasy 20020220). Emiko Shiratori, in particular, sounded like an old hag in her song "Melodies of Life", which was so lifely and enjoyable when it was sung in the game and in the concert.
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